Incubating Upbound: Delivering Modern Application Infrastructure

Today the CNCF announced that the open source Crossplane project, created by Upbound and with a broad community of contributors, has reached incubation level at the CNCF. [] This is a major milestone for the project, and reflects its maturity & rapidly…

KubeCon Barcelona: News & Upbound Updates

The Upbound team is fresh back from a busy show season in Barcelona, where we gave talks and exhibited at three conferences, including the largest KubeCon EMEA yet with 7,700 attendees; we really appreciate the energy and engagement in our projects from the broad cloud native and open source…

Upbound Updates & KubeCon!

The Upbound team is excited to show our progress at the upcoming shows in Barcelona. We’ll be speaking and exhibiting at three events: KubeCon [], Cephalocon [] & Cloud Native Storage day []. We’ve got a…