Announcing the Upbound Marketplace and "Upbound Official" Program

Today we’re excited to announce the Upbound Marketplace and the “Upbound Official” program, two important steps in accelerating the growth of the Crossplane community and the adoption of control planes.

Since its launch in December of 2018 and becoming a CNCF project in May of 2020, Crossplane has seen tremendous growth and is emerging as the standard for building “as-a-Service” products using control planes. We're seeing Crossplane being deployed in production across Global 2000 organizations as well as startups, powering their internal developer platforms (IDPs), infrastructure services, platform services, and modernizing Infrastructure as Code tooling.

Upbound Marketplace

With the launch of the Upbound Marketplace today, we are offering a one-stop shop for the community to discover, publish, share and collaborate on all things Crossplane. Upbound is making the Marketplace free and available for anyone to use.

The Upbound Marketplace presents an easy to use interface to search, browse and discover Crossplane providers and configurations. Every published provider and configuration is dynamically indexed including all its managed resources (MRs), composite resource definitions, compositions, documentation, and examples. You can easily find resources for your control plane, and see documentation and examples in one place.

“We’re excited to see the Upbound Marketplace emerge as the place for the Crossplane community to collaborate, and for DigitalOcean to be one of the first vendors featured in it.” - Gabe Monroy, CPO at DigitalOcean.

We're excited to continue serving the Crossplane community, and have exciting features on the Upbound Marketplace roadmap. If you have an idea or feature you'd like to see please reach out.

Upbound Official Program

We are also announcing the “Upbound Official” program, a set of Crossplane providers and configurations that are maintained, tested and supported by Upbound. We've heard consistently from our customers and community that the quality and coverage of providers is important to their adoption of Crossplane. Upbound is taking a leadership role in ensuring that official providers serve as trustworthy, best-in-class and production-ready starting points for customers to build upon with confidence and ease. We’re open sourcing our work and offering them for free for everyone.

At launch, there will be three official providers available for AWS, GCP and Azure. These providers are by far the most mature providers including full support for the Crossplane Resource Model (XRM), and have the most coverage for managed resources. You can install these providers today from the Upbound Marketplace.

Over the next few months, Upbound will work with the community and partners to add more providers to its official program, and increase converge on official providers where possible. We are committed to accelerating the growth and maturity of the Crossplane ecosystem.

Upbound also offers enterprise-grade support plans for official providers and configurations, along with it's Universal Crossplane (UXP) enterprise distribution of Crossplane. Please reach out if you're interested in working with Upbound to build with Crossplane.

Get Started Today and Find us at KubeCon NA

The Upbound Marketplace is a critical next step in democratizing control plane technology and enabling the open source community to use Crossplane at scale — with confidence in available providers and configurations. Get started today!

We will be at KubeCon NA next week. Please come find us to see Upbound Marketplace in action, chat about Crossplane, and talk about all things control planes. Please see this page for details on where you can find us.