Provider AzureAD is Now Upbound Official

We are happy to share a new Azure Active Directory provider: provider-azuread. This provider joins our existing official providers (provider-aws, provider-azure, provider-gcp, and provider-terraform) in the official program by Upbound, which ensures extended support to Upbound customers to manage Cloud resources via Crossplane.

With provider-azuread, you can manage Microsoft Azure Active Directory resources. Azure Active Directory is a cloud-based identity and access management service with a centralized location for managing user identities and resource access. It offers features such as multi-factor authentication, device registration, and application access control.

Available Resources

The latest version of provider-azuread is now available in the Upbound Marketplace. It allows you to do the following via Crossplane: Manage users and groups, assign roles and application access, and much more. For a complete list of all the resources you can manage, see the documentation in the Upbound Marketplace.

Authenticating Methods

We currently support authenticating with Azure Active Directory using a Service Principal and a Client Secret. We plan to add the following authentication methods in the future:

  • Using a Service Principal and a Client Certificate
  • Using the Azure CLI
  • Using Managed Identity

If you are interested in any of the above authentication methods, let us know by opening a new feature request in the provider’s repository:


With provider-azuread complementing our existing provider-azure offering, customers have a more complete solution to manage their Azure resources with Crossplane.

We offer this provider completely open source for anyone to use and offer our customers additional support and services as part of our existing and upcoming product offerings. To get started, head over to the provider-azuread in Upbound’s marketplace.

We’d love to hear your stories on how you are using this provider. Please reach out in the Crossplane slack in the #providers channel or ping @luebken.

If you are interested in learning more about Crossplane & how to incorporate it into your organization further, we have a guide that walks you through it. Check it out!