Upbound Resource Roundup: February 2023

Whether you’re a seasoned cloud infrastructure expert or just getting started, we have everything you need to stay ahead of the curve in this rapidly changing field. In case you missed it, here are our latest product updates, blogs, and other resources.

From Upbound:
Crossplane Curious? Marketplace Makes Onboarding Easy – Those who have at least dabbled in Kubernetes and have heard about Crossplane may still find there’s a learning curve between the two. The Upbound Marketplace can help you get started on the journey to building your own platform by designing your own APIs.

How to Convince Your Organization to Adopt Upbound Universal Crossplane – Control planes are the future. Crossplane is the best solution using it today. So how do you convince the CIO, directors, and managers of your organization that hold the keys to the kingdom? Download this paper to get the tools to prove the value of Universal Crossplane to your stakeholders.

Why I Joined Upbound, by Oren Teich – He ran product management for all developer products at Google Cloud, and he joined Heroku as the 9th employee and first product hire. Now, he is joining us here at Upbound as Chief Product Officer.

Crossplane first look: What most people get wrong (and how to get it right) – As you continue defining your cloud platform and consider how to deploy and run it in critical production environments, you’ll likely also consider how you can accelerate this effort. Crossplane contains the logic, machinery and reusable components that can be assembled to achieve your organization’s unique vision of efficiently and reliably delivering infrastructure and applications to production.

In more exciting news, we have also launched a preview of our upcoming product: Upbound.  It’s the easiest way to build, deploy, and manage your internal cloud platforms using control planes. Preview users get a glimpse into:

  • fully managed control planes
  • a command and control center for operating Crossplane at scale
  • bootstrapping users' first platform APIs
  • a self-service console tailored to users' platform API

Want to try out Upbound for yourself? Enable SRE teams with a more efficient workflow and the building blocks of platform engineering by setting up your first cloud platform powered by Upbound’s managed control planes.  Sign up for your 30 day free trial here!