Upbound Resource Roundup: March 2023

As a company dedicated to helping businesses leverage the power of the cloud and build above it, we are so excited to get you resources on industry trends, best practices, and various success stories. Grab a cup of coffee and let’s dive in!

New Resources From Upbound

Welcome to the Control Plane Revolution Webinar – Control planes theory has been well established for the past 15 years, but putting those in practice has been the domain of highly specialized engineers typically working inside of a hyperscale cloud provider. Upbound has been at the forefront of the control plane revolution, giving platform engineers a body of work to build on and a community where best practices are shared. Now anyone who knows how to build a microservice using Kubernetes can deploy a control plane for their organization with Universal Crossplane.

Universal Control Planes: “The Holy Grail” of Platform Standardization – Upbound is challenging the traditional way of thinking. And like King Arthur and his knights of the round table [“in war, they’re tough and able”], Upbound and our Universal Control Plane architecture will defeat The Black Knight, and successfully capture “Castle Aarrghh.” Learn about Upbound’s unique technology through the lens of the classic movie, Monty Python.

Provider AzureAD is Now Upbound Official – We are happy to share a new Azure Active Directory provider: provider-azuread. This provider joins our existing official providers in the official program by Upbound, which ensures extended support to Upbound customers to manage Cloud resources via Crossplane.With provider-azuread, you can manage Microsoft Azure Active Directory resources. It offers features such as multi-factor authentication, device registration, and application access control.

Crossplane: A Package-Based Approach to Platform Building – Originally posted on The New Stack, Dan explains how Crossplane offers a new way to build your cloud infrastructure with it’s components serving as building blocks. The Upbound Marketplace can help you get started on the journey to building your own platform by designing your own APIs.

What’s Next?

Want to be one among the first to experience something new and exciting from Upbound? Learn more in our livestream on April 5th at 8 am PT / 5pm CEST. Mark your calendars now to learn more about our latest updates and get ready to build above the clouds! http://evt.to/aoudomgmw