Crossplane, the Operator's New Best Friend

With Crossplane, operators can manage cloud resources like anything else inside Kubernetes. More than that, operators can build custom APIs and complete cloud deployments. Operators can mix resources across cloud providers, provide state enforcement and simplify deployments.…

Connecting the Platform Pieces for Automated CI/CD

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, better known by the acronym CI/CD is the foundation of modern DevOps. At the Crossplane Community Day Europe virtual event, Jan Willies, Platform Architect at Accenture outlined how to connect all the different platform pieces together for automated CI/CD […

Open Source and Upbound

A well documented challenge of being an open source company is figuring out the right balance between open sourcing and commercializing the value you create. Recently we launched our own enterprise-grade and open source distribution of Crossplane, Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP), and took another step towards creating a new era…

UXP Now Available in Two Public Marketplaces, With More on the Way

We launched Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) less than a week ago and already momentum is building around the first enterprise-grade distribution of open source Crossplane. Two major public cloud marketplaces have embraced UXP, making it easy for users to find and deploy UXP. The first is AWS Marketplace [https://aws.…

Crossplane Community Day Europe 2021 Recap

The future of Kubernetes itself could well be found in the open source Crossplane [] project. That was one of the prevailing themes at the Crossplane Community Day Europe virtual event, which was held May 4 coinciding with Kubecon EU virtual conference that is running the same week.…

Composing Cloud Services for Fintech Apps

Organizations and users find Crossplane [] in different ways. For Kelly Ferrone, DevOps and software engineer at Akirix [], the challenge he had was that another team relied on a Kubernetes service that had been deprecated…