Incubating Upbound: Delivering Modern Application Infrastructure

Today the CNCF announced that the open source Crossplane project, created by Upbound and with a broad community of contributors, has reached incubation level at the CNCF. [] This is a major milestone for the project, and reflects its maturity & rapidly…

UXP Now Available in Two Public Marketplaces, With More on the Way

We launched Upbound Universal Crossplane (UXP) less than a week ago and already momentum is building around the first enterprise-grade distribution of open source Crossplane. Two major public cloud marketplaces have embraced UXP, making it easy for users to find and deploy UXP. The first is AWS Marketplace [https://aws.…

Crossplane Community Day Europe 2021 Recap

The future of Kubernetes itself could well be found in the open source Crossplane [] project. That was one of the prevailing themes at the Crossplane Community Day Europe virtual event, which was held May 4 coinciding with Kubecon EU virtual conference that is running the same week.…

MulticloudCon talks are now live

84 percent of enterprises already have a multicloud strategy and most companies have an average of four clouds in use today. The multicloud community needed a place to convene and define what multicloud really means and share ways to be successful.…

Introducing Crossplane: Open Source Multicloud Control Plane

Today we are introducing Crossplane [] , the open source multicloud control plane. It exposes workload and resource abstractions on-top of existing managed services that enables a high degree of workload portability across cloud providers. A single crossplane enables the provisioning and full-lifecycle management of services and…

Managed Services Don’t Always Lead to Vendor Lock-In

If you are running in a public cloud, your applications and services are likely consuming numerous managed platform services. While your code is deployed in VMs, containers or functions, it’s likely depending on platform services like databases, message queues, analytics, big data, AI, ML and many others. What makes…