Connecting the Platform Pieces for Automated CI/CD

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment, better known by the acronym CI/CD is the foundation of modern DevOps. At the Crossplane Community Day Europe virtual event, Jan Willies, Platform Architect at Accenture outlined how to connect all the different platform pieces together for automated CI/CD […

Crossplane Community Day Europe 2021 Recap

The future of Kubernetes itself could well be found in the open source Crossplane [] project. That was one of the prevailing themes at the Crossplane Community Day Europe virtual event, which was held May 4 coinciding with Kubecon EU virtual conference that is running the same week.…

MulticloudCon talks are now live

84 percent of enterprises already have a multicloud strategy and most companies have an average of four clouds in use today. The multicloud community needed a place to convene and define what multicloud really means and share ways to be successful.…

KubeCon Barcelona: News & Upbound Updates

The Upbound team is fresh back from a busy show season in Barcelona, where we gave talks and exhibited at three conferences, including the largest KubeCon EMEA yet with 7,700 attendees; we really appreciate the energy and engagement in our projects from the broad cloud native and open source…