Upbound Resource Roundup: January 2023

What a year 2022 has been! From meeting you at events like KubeCon and AWS to building a thriving Crossplane community, it was a true year of growth. Not to mention, our resource library has grown as well! We have built it up so that you can learn more about control plane infrastructure, Crossplane, and more. In case you missed it, we’ve got everything you need to know about our latest product launches, blogs, and other resources.

From Upbound

Provider Terraform is Now Upbound Official – With this new Terraform Provider, we have doubled down on our path of helping enterprises migrate to an internal cloud platform while supporting integration scenarios and securing existing investments.

Migrating to Crossplane with provider-terraform – Explore a phased approach on how to include existing Terraform code and start migrating towards a Crossplane native solution.

How Grupo Boticário Reduced Deployment Time Using Crossplane + Upbound – Get an exclusive look at Brazil’s second largest cosmetics company’s current implementation and why they chose Crossplane + Upbound over other possible solutions. Their head of infrastructure shares real-time ROI metrics as a result of reducing deployment time from 7 days to 10 minutes.

Scaling Crossplane to Production – Crossplane is built on Kubernetes… but Kubernetes doesn’t always scale well. What does this mean? By enabling you to provision, compose, and consume your infrastructure without having to write any code, Crossplane uses Managed Resources to extend the capabilities of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Called and it Wants Your IaC Back: Using Control Planes to Modernize Your IaC Tech Stack – Building a control plane sounds like fun. Continuous reconciliation, eliminating drift, developer self-service. Then you realize how much IaC you already have in production. Whether it’s just a few scripts, or decades of investment in tools like Terraform, adopting a new tool for your platform can be intimidating. Now, thanks to Upbound’s Official Terraform Provider for Crossplane, it’s easier than ever to incorporate resources managed by IaC into your Crossplane-powered platform.

Want to try out Upbound for yourself? Enable SRE teams with a more efficient workflow and the building blocks of platform engineering by setting up your first cloud platform powered by Upbound’s managed control planes.  Sign up for your 30 day free trial here!